RESTEP Members

Ece Özlem Atickan

Ece Özlem Atickan

Ece Özlem Atickan is an Assistant Professor in Politics and International Studies at the University of Warwick. Her research combines a theoretical focus on political campaigns, issue framing, lobbying, transnational social movements, and diffusion with a regional focus on the European Union. She has extensive fieldwork experience in Spain, France, the Netherlands, Luxembourg, Belgium, Denmark, and Ireland. Based on over 180 in-depth interviews with campaigners, media content analyses and public opinion data, she studies EU referendum campaigns to understand the impact of campaign argumentation on public opinion. Her work has appeared in European Journal of Political ResearchJournal of Common Market Studies, Journal of European Integration, and as a book with Cambridge University Press.

Céline Belot

Céline Belot

Céline Belot is research fellow at the Centre National de la Recherche Scientifique at the Pacte laboratory and a teacher at Sciences Po Grenoble. Prior to that, she was at University of Durham and University of Amsterdam (UVA) in Geneva and was Visiting Professor at the University Of Cologne. In 2017 she has been a visiting research fellow at Université de Montréal. Her current work focuses on the use of public opinion surveys by the Commission and the European Parliament. More broadly, she is interested in the formation of citizen judgment with regard to distant political objects, in particular the European Union and foreign policy, and with the impact of European issues on French political life. She is also a member of the team that produces the European Values Study.


Hélène Caune

Hélène Caune

Hélène Caune is an Assistant Professeur (MCF) in political science at Sciences Po Grenoble and also a member of PACTE research unit. Her research deals with interactions between institutions, political parties, citizens and public policies within the European Union. She analyses relations between the EU and Member States and processes of politicization and de-politicization in welfare public policies. Her work has appeared in Politique Européenne, Gouvernement et Action Publique, and in collective books with Policy and Palgrave Macmillan.


Olivier Costa

Olivier Costa

Olivier Costa is a Research Professor at CNRS (Centre national de la recherche scientifique), at Emile Durkheim Center (Sciences Po Bordeaux, France). He is also Director of the Jean Monnet Centre of Aquitaine (Bordeaux/Bayonne, France) and teaches at Sciences Po Bordeaux and College of Europe (Bruges). His research interests includes EU institutions and EU policy-making, with a focus on European Parliament and comparative parliamentary studies between EU Member States. He is member of the editorial board of the Journal of Legislative Studies and the RISP: Italian Political Science Review and he is associate-editor of the Journal of European Integration.


Marina Costa Lobo

Marina Costa Lobo

Marina Costa Lobo is a political scientist at the Institute of Social Sciences of the University of Lisbon and member of IPP comittee (Instituto Políticas Públicas). She is involved in the Portuguese Election Study, an ongoing project which has fielded surveys in all major Portuguese elections since 2002. In 2015, she won an ERC Consolidator Project entitled MAPLE – Measuring and Analysing the Politicisation of Europe before and after the Eurozone Crisis. Her work has been published in Electoral StudiesEuropean Journal of Political Research, Political Research Quarterly, Democratization, South European Society and Politics and several books.


António Costa Pinto

António Costa Pinto

António Costa Pinto is a Research Professor at the Institute of Social Sciences, University of Lisbon, and Professor of Politics and Contemporary European History at ISCTE-IUL, Lisbon. He has been a visiting professor at Stanford University, Georgetown University, a senior associate member at St Antony’s College, Oxford, and a senior visiting fellow at Princeton University and at the University of California, Berkeley. From 1999 to 2011 he has been a regular visiting professor at the Institut d’Études Politiques de Paris. His research interests include authoritarianism, political elites, democratization and transitional justice in new democracies, the European Union, and the comparative study of political change in Southern Europe. He co-edited the book The Europeanization of Portuguese Democracy (2012).


Tom Delreux

Tom Delreux

Tom Delreux is an Associate Professor in political science at the “Institut de sciences politiques Louvain-Europe” (ISPOLE), where he is also the Director of the Centre of European Studies. Before joining the UCLouvain in 2010, he was a Research Fellow of the Belgian National Fund for Scientific Research (FWO) at the University of Louvain. His research and teaching activities focus on European Union politics and institutions. research interests include the EU’s external relations, EU environmental policy, inter- and intra-institutional relations in the EU, international environmental politics, and principal-agent modeling. His work has appeared in several academic journals, including Journal of European Public Policy, Journal of Common Market StudiesInternational Environmental Agreements, Environmental Policy and Governance, Perspectives on European Politics and Society, and Journal of European Integration.


Vincent Dujardin

Vincent Dujardin

Vincent Dujardin is a Professor at Université Catholique de Louvain and he is also Head of Institut d’Etudes Européennes since 2008. He has been a visiting professor at University of Strasbourg (France), Universty of Szeged (Hungary), Jagiellonian University in Poland and Université Saint-Louis-Bruxelles. His research in history deals with European integration, international relations and Belgian institutions. He has co-edited The European Commission 1973-1986. History and memory of an institution. Since 2015 he coordinates the project Hisctom3 (1986-2000), gathering 43 researchers from 15 Member States and Norway.


Claire Dupuy

Claire Dupuy

Claire Dupuy is associate professor at Sciences Po Grenoble – Pacte (France). She received her doctorate from Sciences Po Paris and University of Milan-Bicocca. She specializes in comparative public policy with a focus on state transformations and regionalization processes in Western Europe. She is also interested in policy feedbacks and the ways in which policy changes impact on citizens’ (dis)affection toward politics. This research is supported by an ERC starting grant, jointly conducted with Virginie Van Ingelgom. Her work appeared in Regional and Federal Studies, Public Administration and Journal of Education Policy.


Raul Gomez

Raul Gomez

Raul Gomez is a lecturer (Assistant Professor) in International Politics at the University of Liverpool since September 2015. He is interested in a wide range of topics in the areas of comparative public opinion, voting behaviour, political parties, and quantitative methods. Most of his current research revolves around radical left voting, left-wing populism and gender & politics. His work has recently appeared in British Journal of Political Science, West European Politics, Journal of Common Market Studies, Party Politics and Political Studies.


Isabelle Guinaudeau

Isabelle Guinaudeau

Isabelle Guinaudeau is a CNRS political scientist at the Centre Emile Durkheim, Sciences Po Bordeaux. Her research is at the juncture between electoral studies, public opinion and public policy. Her main fields of research are party competition, accountability and responsiveness. I am involved in several collaborative research projects on agenda-setting (Comparative Agendas Project ; Projet Agendas France) and she is the principal investigator of the ANR project Partipol, a large project on partisanship in policymaking. She is the co-editor of the german version of the book Dictionnaire des relations franco-allemandes (2015) and her articles have been published in British Journal of Political Science, West European Politics, Journal of Public Policy and La Revue Française de Sciences Politiques.


Johannes (Jan) Karremans

Johannes (Jan) Karremans

Johannes (Jan) Karremans is a Post-Doctoral Researcher working for MAPLE, an ERC-funded project coordinated by Dr. Marina Costa Lobo. Jan earned his Ph.D.-degree at the Political and Social Sciences Department of the European University Institute. His research interest resides mainly in the Responsive-Responsible dilemma of party-government, which he addressed in his Ph.D. dissertation with a comparative study of the arguments with which governments justify their national budgets. Prior to his doctoral studies, Jan earned his BA degree from the Vrije Universiteit of Amsterdam (2008-2011) and his MA from the Vrije Universiteit Brussel (2011-2012). Part of his research has recently been published in West European Politics, and he is currently co-editing a special issue on the Responsive-Responsible dilemma that will be ready for publication in Autumn 2017.


Juliet Johnson

Juliet Johnson

Juliet Johnson is Professor of Political Science at McGill University. Her research focuses on money and banking in post-communist Europe and on post-communist memory politics. She is the author of Priests of Prosperity: How Central Bankers Transformed the Postcommunist World (Cornell 2016) and A Fistful of Rubles: The Rise and Fall of the Russian Banking System (Cornell 2000), as well as of articles in the Journal of Common Market Studies, Journal of European Public Policy, and Review of International Political Economy (RIPE), among others. She was Lead Editor of RIPE from 2011-14 and Co-Editor from 2007-10, and sits on RIPE’s International Advisory Board. In fall 2014, she designed and taught the first interdisciplinary graduate seminar organized around the EUCE speaker series, the JMCM predecessor. At McGill she has served on the Board of Governors and as Associate Dean for the Faculty of Arts, and won the Faculty’s Fieldhouse Award for Distinguished Teaching. She received her PhD from Princeton University.


Christine Rothmayr Allison

Christine Rothmayr Allison

Christine Rothmayr Allison is a Professor at Université de Montréal and interim Director of the department of political science. Since her pPhD dissertation, she has been been interested in relations between the courts and politicians, in particular legal mobilization and the impact of court decisions on the formulation and implementation of public policy in North America and Europe. More specifically, her research is aimed at explaining the choice of policies in the biotechnology field and changes in public policy over time in Europe and North America. Her most recent research has appeared in Journal of Comparative Policy Analysis, Journal of European Public Policy et Droit & Société.


Sabine Saurugger

Sabine Saurugger

Sabine Saurugger is a Professor of political science and Research Dean of Sciences Po Grenoble. Honorary member of the Institut universitaire de France (IUF), she held visiting research and professorship positions at the College of Europe and the Universities of Cologne, Montreal, Cologne, Brussels and Oxford. Her research focuses on theories of European integration, European public policies and the politics of law and has been published in journals such as the European Journal of Political Research, Journal of Common Market Studies, West European Politics, Political Studies or Journal of European Public Policy. She has recently published Crises and Institutional Change in Regional Integration with Fabien Terpan (Routledge 2016) and The Court of Justice and the Politics of Law with Fabien Terpan (Palgrave, European Union Series, 2017).


Andy Smith

Andy Smith

Andy Smith is a Research Professor in Political Science at Centre Emile Durkheim, Sciences Po Bordeaux. He works in the field of political economy and studies that of specific industries in particular. He is coeditor of Industries and Globalization: The Political Causality of Difference and The EU’s Government of Industries: Markets, Institutions and Politics. He is the co-editor of L’industrie pharmaceutique : Règles, marchés et pouvoir (2014), and of a monography adressing changing political economy of wine industry in the EU. In 2016 he has published The Politics of Economic Activity (Oxford University Press).


Fabien Terpan

Fabien Terpan

Fabien Terpan is an Associate Professor (MCF, HDR) in public law at Sciences Po Grenoble. He holds a Jean Monnet Chair in EU law and he is deputy head of CESICE centre. He has been a visiting professor at Concordia University, College of Europe, Universities of Cologne (Germany), Salamanca (Spain) and Sofia (Bulgaria). He is co-Head of the Master on European Governance at Sciences Po Grenoble. His research interests combine EU law, the European court of justice, EU foreign policy and international and regional organizations. His most recent research has been published in La Revue Trimestrielle de Droit Européen, European Law Review and European Foreign Affairs Review. He has recently published Crises and Institutional Change in Regional Integration with Sabine Saurugger (Routledge 2016) and The Court of Justice and the Politics of Law with Sabine Saurugger (Palgrave, European Union Series, 2017).


Gabor Toka

Gabor Toka

Gabor Toka is a Professor in political science in Central European University (CEU), in Hungary. His research interest is primarily in voting behaviour and democratic institutions, and particularly the impact of the former on the latter. He is also interested in public opinion, survey methodology, and East European politics. He is co-author of Post-Communist Party Systems: Competition, Representation, and Inter-Party Cooperation (Cambridge University Press, 1999), and author or co-author of over five dozen articles on electoral behaviour, public opinion, political parties and democratic consolidation in edited volumes, political science and sociology journals.


Virginie Van Ingelgom

Virginie Van Ingelgom

Virginie Van Ingelgom (PhD) is a Research Associate Professor F.R.S. – FNRS at the Institut de Sciences Politiques Louvain-Europe, Université catholique de Louvain (UCLouvain). She received her PhD from Sciences Po Paris and UCLouvain. Her dissertation, entitled “Integrating indifference: a comparative, qualitative and quantitative approach to the legitimacy of European integration”, was awarded the Theseus Award for Promising Research on European Integration (2010), the Best Dissertation Prize in “Comparative Politics” of the French Political Science Association and Mattei Dogan Fondation (2011), and the Jean Blondel Ph.D. Prize by the European Consortium for Political Research (2012). She is the author of several articles, on the issue of legitimacy at both the national and the European levels, on the possible emergence of a ‘European community’, on policy feedbacks and on the methodological issues of using qualitative comparative analysis (Sociologie, Politique européenne, Revue internationale de politique comparée). She is the author of Integrating Indifference (ECPR Press, 2014). She is a member of the editorial committee of Revue internationale de Politique Comparée and Politique européenne. Awarded with an ERC Starting Grant (2017-2022), Virginie Van Ingelgom recently developed – with Prof. Claire Dupuy, Sciences Po Grenoble (PACTE) – a new research program that offers a qualitative (re)appraisal of citizens’ (dis-)affection towards politics relying on the core argument of the policy feedback literature: attitudes and behaviours are outcomes of past policy.
